Web Application Frameworks
Among many different frameworks suitable for J2EE web applications, those based on MVC
Model 2 architecture have some advantages in enabling Build In Tests in web components and
EJB. Such frameworks are controlled by a single instance of a servlet called front
controller. It is supported by called model classes in web and optionally EJB tier as
well. View objects are mostly represented in JSP and Taglib classes.
Applications based on these frameworks follow a strict circle model in serving a
webclients request.
- interpret the request
- dispatch to business logic
- select next view
- generate view
This strictly followed processing model can be used to enforce an easier test process.
Currently the Sun Web Application Framework (Sun WAF) is used to verify the Bugkilla
design guidelines and toolset. The use of related frameworks like Struts or Cocoon should
be possible by some interrelated modifications.